Friday, November 11, 2005

Tucson: Time to Write Kolbe

Peristaltic waves of common sense seem to be passing through the ranks of Congressional Republicans, who yesterday resisted the conservative plan to lower taxes on the rich while cutting programs and services that serve the less well to do.

In case you missed it, the Star's coverage is here.
More detailed coverage is in the Washington Post. (Free registration required)

I don’t know if Republican Jim Kolbe…one of Tucson’s two congressmen… was in the ranks of Republican foot-draggers, but it’s a position we should certainly encourage him to adopt.

There would be some point in (politely) reminding him that last Tuesday’s Democratic victory was due in part to annoyed Republican voters not going to the polls. That sort of behavior could well carry over into the next congressional elections. I’ve spoken to Tucson Republicans who are extremely unhappy with the administration, although loath to comment too publicly.

You can e-mail Kolbe by clicking here. Kolbe’s Tucson office phone number is: 520-881-3588

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