Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Fever

I attended a dress rehearsal of Wallace Shawn's "The Fever" last night.I happened to be in the company of a group of actors, members of the Rogue Theatre company, and as actors they were well and truly knocked back by Joe McGrath's bravura solo performance. Me too, of course.

My guess is that I was perhaps the only "political" in the audience and the experience was like having a mirror held up in front of me on which all the irreconcilable moral imperatives of my own life were held up for painful examination.

“A nameless person from a privileged world, suffering from a sense of disconnection from his comfortable life, travels to a country in the midst of civil war. Suddenly deliriously ill, the narrator collapses in a hotel bathroom, and confronts an internal chorus of conflicting voices: dreams of comfort, images of physical and economic violence, accusations of indifference, and cold-blooded arguments in favor of oppression. The central question: what, if anything, is a morally consistent way to live in the world as it is?”

-----Eli Bishop, A Wallace Shawn Reference

Check the Rogue site:
Eli Bishop's "A Wallace Shawn Reference:

If you are in or near Tucson don't miss this play!

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