Thursday, August 31, 2006

Politics Free

Tomorrow morning I’m running away from home for two days. I’ll fire up the Yellow Peril (left) and trace a relaxed, looping, blue highways route up to Jerome, Arizona. I will set no speed records. As a matter of fact I intend to set some slow records, proving that any ride worth five hours is improved by taking seven hours.

I will look at things, pull off to read historical monuments, see the clouds
and enjoy the way the world smells. You’d be surprised how much more you see from the saddle than you do sealed in an air conditioned car. (There’s a reason that bike people call cars ‘cages.’)

My destination is not the purpose of the trip, the ride is the purpose of the trip and t
he Jerome Grand Hotel above is just a nice place for the ride to end. The hotel was once the hospital serving the mining community of Jerome and the Verde Valley.

The restaurant, called The Asylum (no straight jacket required,) is located in what used to be the hospital’s pharmacy. I like the bar.

The hotel is suppos
ed to be haunted.

1 comment:

Art Jacobson said...

Yuppers, that's the route. Tucson to Globe by way of the Gila River canyon, then 188 up to the Beeline and Payson.

Coming home Saturday by the same route. If you're on the road keep your eye peeled.

Good to touch base with another rider.
